Proudhon - A Biography

(Martin Jones) #1

The New Face of Power in America

by Bertram Gross

“At it time of escalating political uncertainty, when the forces
of totalitarianism threaten once more to crawl out of the American
woodwork. Friendly Fascism is a powerful tool better yet. a
weapon — that can help us avert a distinctly unfriendly future."
Alvin Toffler
' ‘This is the best thing I've seen on how America might go fascist
democratically. F'riendly Fascism offers a very clear exposition of
where America is. and how »r got there.''
William Shirer
Widely acclaimed and hotly debated, this provocative and
original look at current trends in the United States presents
a grim forecast of a possible totalitarian future. The author
shows how the chronic problems faced by the U.S. in the
late twentieth century require increasing collusion between
Big Business and Big Government in order to “manage”
society in the interests of the rich and powerful. This “friendly
fascism”. Gross argues, will probably lack the dictatorships,
public spectacles, and overt brutality of the classic varieties
of Germany, Italy, and Japan, but has at its root the same
denial of individual freedoms and democratic rights. No one
who cares about the future of democracy, in the U.S. and
around the world, can afford to ignore the frightening pos­
sibilities for Friendly Fascism.

In a final section, he shows how. by developing our
society’s potential for democracy rather than despotism, we
can counteract these trends.

4 1 0 p a g e s
Paperback ISBN: 0-920057-23-3 $14.95
Hardcover ISBN: 0-920057-22-5 $24.95
P olities/Sociology

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