Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

aonidy (New muses),Severnaia lira(Northern lyre), and Galatea.M. A.

Maksimov, professor of botany at Moscow University, published the al’-

manakh Dennitsa(Morning star). Many men poets of this generation ben-

efited as well from the all-male student groups, literary circles, and the

annual literary collections and journals that grew out of them such as

Del’vig’s Severnye tsvety(Northern flowers), Maksimovich’s Dennitsa,

Kiukhel’beker’s Mnemozina(Mnemosyne), and Pushkin’s Sovremennik.

Although women occasionally contributed to such journals—for ex-

ample, Teplova and Gotovtseva both appeared in Severnye tsvety—they

never acted as editors or publishers.^33

These men’s institutions allowed interactions that made it compara-

tively easy for young men poets to find mentors and get published. For

example, Vasilii Zhukovsky, “the acknowledged patriarch of the Golden

Age” (Mirsky,History of Russian Literature, 75 ), who met Pushkin in lit-

erary circles, presented him in 1820 with a portrait inscribed “to a vic-

torious pupil from a defeated master,” later editing (with Petr Pletnev)

the first collection of Pushkin’s poetry ( 1825 ). Zhukovsky, who also

arranged with Petr Viazemsky for the first significant publications of

Tiutchev’s and Lermontov’s poetry in Pushkin’s Sovremennik,used his

court influence on behalf of Pushkin, Lermontov, and Baratynsky when

they experienced problems with the authorities. He also tried to help

Khomiakov publish his Slavophile poems abroad when they could not

be published in Russia. Zhukovsky himself—who was the illegitimate

son of a landowner—had been given entrée into Russian literature by

the prose writer and journalist Nikolai Karamzin. Pushkin acted as lit-

erary sponsor for his schoolmate Del’vig, who in turn sponsored his

friend Baratynsky. Pushkin and Baratynsky sponsored Iazykov. Fet

received help from his university friend, the literary critic Apollon

Grigor’ev, who edited Fet’s first poetry collection and then gave it an

enthusiastic review; Fet also received editing help for his other collec-

tions from Ivan Turgenev, the critic Nikolai Strakhov, and the poet and

philosopher Vladimir Solov’ev. Other critics played important roles in

making the critical reputations of men poets. Belinsky helped build the

reputations of Pushkin, the other members of his pleiad, and Lermon-

tov. He also arranged publication for Kol’tsov’s first collection of poetry

( 1835 ) and wrote a long introduction for the second ( 1846 ). Nikolai

Nekrasov renewed Tiutchev’s career in 1850 by reprinting Tiutchev’s

early poetry together with a laudatory essay in Sovremennik.Among the

noncanonical men poets, Apollon Maikov received encouragement to

turn from painting to poetry from his professors at Saint Petersburg Uni-

34 Social Conditions

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