Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Men being men (natural systematizers, categorizers,
formulizers, moralizers and theologizers) took the
enscribed law and made it into a textualized book-religion.
Men foolishly think that a written record can contain, or
can adequately describe and define the Living Word
expression of God. The natural tendency of man is to think
that if they see it in print, it is to be taken as gospel. Men
take that which is of God and attempt to objectify,
tangibilize and absolutize. God can never be contained in
some "thing," including a book. When men think that the
expression of God is contained in a book, it becomes mere
Judaism became a book-religion based on the
textualized Torah and reinforced by rigid, written tradition.
Rabbinic theologizing and moralizing became inflexible
and legalistic. Jewish religion centered around exegeting,
interpreting and implementing precisely the truth of the
Torah text, precept upon precept (Isaiah 28:10,13). The
minutia of the written record became absolutized. The
Torah and its traditions were regarded as eternal, inerrant
and absolute. Religious reverence and allegiance to the
Torah became idolatry. They had made an idol out of the

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