Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

I n d e x

Abel 160
Abelard, Peter 248
Abhidhamma 223
Abhidharma literature 219
Abhinavagupta 86
ablutions 188–189
Abraham 87, 174
Abrahamic covenant 59, 235
Abū Yazīd al-Bistāmī 132
Acts, book of 124
Adam 83, 150, 235
Ādi Granth 264
Aditi 74
Advaita Vedānta 86, 120–121,
146–147, 168
afterlife 21, 25
agape 129, 130
‘Age of Reason’ 198
agency 21–22
aggression 215–216
Aghori 27
Agni 91, 109
agnosticism 22–23
Ahura Mazdah 103
Aitareya Upanishad 165
Akwasi 51
alethia 103
Algonquian 186
Ali 251
Allah 100; as all-powerful 186;
singularity 148
Ālvār 131
Amaterasu 245
Amen 190

Amish 169
Amitābha 88
Amma 57–58
Amos 122
Amun-Re 183
Ānanda 223
Ananse 51
anatta 228
ancestors 4, 23–25
animal guardians 163, 233
animism 3, 25–26, 54, 202
Anselm 195
Anthony, St. 34, 143
anthropology 5
antinomianism 27
anxiety 215–216
Anzu 45
Apache 25
Aphrodite 101
apocalypse 27–28
apocalyptic 123
Apostles’ Creed 37, 166
Āranyaka 222
archetypes 160, 194
architecture 28–30
Arianism 109
Aristotle 249
Arjuna 129
art 30–32; and faith 31
Asad, Talal 5
asceticism 33–35, 44, 79, 142, 144;
and culture 35; in mystic path
ascetics 27
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