Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

Asha 103
Ashanti 24, 25, 51
Ash’arites 251
Aso 51
asuras 70
Atharva 222
atheism 35–36
Athena 90, 183
Ātman 121, 147, 229–230
Atum 244
Augustine of Hippo, St.: on
church 46; on evil 83; on grace
101–102; on heaven 107–108;
on music 149; on religion 2; rule
of 143; on sacraments 210
Austin, J. L. 172, 239–240
āveśa 184
Avestan mysteries 75
Azande 65

Bacchic mysteries 60–61
Bach, J. S. 150, 247
Bali 70
Bambara 205, 206
banks 78
baptism 56, 211–212
barakh 186
Barrett, Justin 11
Barth, Karl 249–250
Basil, St. 143
Bataille, George 81, 96
Baudrillard, Jean 113–114
Bear Ceremony 240–241
Beatrice 196
Beethoven, Ludwig van 150
begging 145
Beidelman, T. O. 170
being 146–147, 201
belief 36–37
Bell, Catherine 172, 209
Bell, Richard 15
Benedict, Ruth 62
Benedict of nursia, St. 143
Benedictine Rule 143
Berger, Peter 225, 235
Bernard, St. 196

bestiality 231
Bhagavad Gītā 90, 220
bhakti 130
Bible 221
Bildung 62
Bimbisāra, King 166
binding curse 63
Black Friars 144
Blackfoot 51, 214
Bladder festival 210
blessing 63
bliss 147, 177
blood 38–39, 197
Blue Corn Mother 238
Boas, Franz 62
body 39–42, 229, 231; and self
Boehme, Jakob 171
Boethius 149
Bologna 126
Bororo 159
bowings 189
Boyer, Pascal 11
brahmacarya 42
Brahman 121, 137, 146–147, 170,
201, 229–230
Brāhmana 222
Brahmins 92, 95, 190–191
Branch davidians 224
Brethren, the 169
bride of Christ 46
Brihadāranyaka Upanishad
Buber, Martin 228
Buddha: images of 113;
incarnation 114; relics 30;
teaching 223; worship
of image of 263
Buddha-nature 147–148,
Buddhaghosa 90
Buffalo Calf Woman 97
bull sacrifice 61
Bunyan, John 173
Burkert, Walter 207
Butler, Judith 94
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