Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1


Pāśupatas 33–34, 131–132
Patañjali 136
Pātimokkha 145
patriarchy 93, 257
Paul, apostle: on church 46;
damascus road experience 84;
on end time 124; on faith 86;
letters 221; on love 129; on
sexuality 232; on suffering 243
Pelagianism 109
Pentateuch 221
People of Hell 251
People of Paradise 251
perception 40, 41, 171–172
performance 172–173, 189, 208,
209, 223–224; theatrical
performative utterance 239–240
Peter Abelard 248
Peyote cult 73, 141
phenomenology 4, 7–9, 55
philia 129
philosophy: perennial 154
phylacteries 188
pilgrimage 30, 37, 128, 173–175
pipe bundle 214
plainchant 149–150
Plains Indians 44
planes of existence 57
Plato 118, 133, 157, 237
play 176–178
pluralism 179, 185
poetic imagination 245
politics 179–180
pollution 38, 180–182, 197
Polycarp, St. 217–218
polytheism 26, 97, 99, 148,
polythetic definition of religion 12
Pope: control over sainthood 218
possession 183–184
post-millenarianism 139–140
postmodern theology 250
postmodernism 9–11, 121, 167,
184–186, 230; definition of
religion 12

potlatch 96
power 178, 186–188, 213; of
community 52; and gifts 96; and
knowledge 187; over death 28
Prāsangika 200
praveśa 184
prayer 188–190; Christian 189–190;
Muslim 40, 189
prema 130–131
pre-millenarianism 139–140
prevenient grace 102
priest 190–191, 263
primitive mentality 159
process theology 250
profane: sacred vs. 5, 8, 214–215
Prometheus 90
Promised Land 221
prophet 192–193, 218
prophetic movements 140–141
Protestantism 78, 225
Proudfoot, Wayne 84
Pseudo-dionysius 152
psychology 6–7, 193–194
Ptah 45, 102, 183
Pueblo 163, 197, 241
pūjā 263
Purānas 222
Pure Land Buddhism 83, 87–88, 108
Pure Lands 107
purgatory 195–196
purification 38, 56, 110, 174, 181,
Puritans 65
purity 181, 182
Puta Santa 97

qi 74
qiyās 126
Quakers 169
Qur’an: as law 126; on sexuality
232; on women 258, 259;
as word of God 204, 222;
worldview 261

Ra 45
Rabbinic Judaism 115
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