Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

Rādhā 80–81, 101, 177
Rādhāsoāmī Satsang 224
al-Rahīm 100
al-Rahmān 100
rain retreats 144
Rājagrha, Council of 223
rak’ah 189
Raktabīja 70
Rāma 129, 247
Rāmakrishna 131, 132, 178, 257
Rāmānuja 41–42, 87, 147, 170, 229
Rāmāyana 222
Rāmnāmi Samāj 48–49
Rappaport, Roy 5–6, 208–209
rasa 32, 92
rationality 54, 198–200, 247, 248
Re 102, 183, 244
reality 200–202
reason 198
rebirth 75, 76, 244
reductionism 178, 202
Reformation 150
regicide 119
relics 120, 202–204, 218
religion: cognitive views of 10–11;
and culture 61, 62; definition
types 11–12; evolutionary
approach 2–4, 11; history of
8–9; magic vs. 5, 158; origins
of concept 1–2; postmodern
views of 9–10; psychological
approaches 6–7; science of
3, 4–6, 55, 159; and society
Religionswissenschaft 13–14
Religious Society of Friends 169
Religious Studies: as discipline
15–16; history 12–15
renunciation of world 68
reproduction 43
restoration 57, 58
resurrection 123–125; bodily 67; of
Jesus 67
revelation 27, 148, 204–205, 250;
general 204; natural 204
Revelation, book of 28

revenge curse 63
revolt 57
Ricoeur, Paul 116, 122, 138, 162,
235, 245–246
Riesebrodt, Martin 9
Rig 222
rites: calendrical (cyclical) 128, 209;
life crisis 128; life-cycle 175;
of passage 22, 40, 69, 205–206,
ritual 11, 68, 158–159, 172–173,
206–210; features 208–209; and
music 150–151; structure 208;
types 209
rock gardens 164
Rocket festival 89
rope-binding trick 234
Rumi 138
Rupa Gosvāmī 130–131

sacraments 196, 210–213
sacred 161, 213–215; languages as
121; profane vs. 5, 8, 214–215;
and violence 255
sacrifice 190–191, 212, 215–217;
food in 91–92; propitiatory 67;
vicarious 67–68
sacrificial rites 23
sadaqāt 94
saguna 146–147
Sahajīyā movement 129
saint 217–219
Śaivism 33–34, 48, 131
Śakti 100
Salmakis 101
salvation 56, 220, 264; paths to 87
Sāma 222
samāj 53
Šamaš 244
Samburu 64, 65
Samgha 52, 144
Samhita 222
Sāmkhya 120–121
sampradāyas 53
samskāra 212
sanctification 220
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