Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1

spirits 240–242; guardian 233,
Śrī Vaiasnavism sect 102
Staal, Frits 208
stability: vow of 143
Stace, W. T. 153
Stahl, Georg 26
Sthavīras 166
structural method 159–160, 199
stūpas 29, 30, 204, 263
substantive definition of religion 12
suffering 169, 242–244
Sufi 43, 65, 136, 149
Sufism 189, 218
sun 244–245
Sun dance 170, 215
sunna 126
Sūrya 244
Susano-o-no Mikoto 245
Sutta Pitaka 223
suzerainty covenant 59
Svātantrika 200
Swahili 65
sweat lodge 216
Swing festival 89
symbolism 27
symbols 62, 245–246
Symeon of emesa 132
synagogues 29
Synoptic Gospels 221

taboo 50, 119, 191, 246
Tambiah, Stanley 172, 199, 209, 240
Tanakh 221
Tantric 27
Tartarus 118
Taylor, Charles 21, 22, 225
Taylor, Mark C. 10, 36, 250
ta’ziya 247
Temiar 65
temples 29–30
Tertullian 46
Tewa Pueblo 206, 238–239
theatrical performances 246–247
theism 247–248
theocracy 179–180

theology 13, 248–251; fields 249;
and politics 80; schools of 250;
types 249
theophany 89
Therāvada Buddhism 94–95, 120,
Thomas Aquinas 102, 249
thunderbirds 241–242
Tiele, Cornelis Petrus 4, 54–55
Tillich, Paul 249
time 251–252; end of 27, 28; linear
vs. cyclical 252
tīrtha-yatra 175
Tokerau 141
Tongu 24
Torah 111, 125, 204, 220
totemic spirits 242
totemism 5, 26, 252–253
totemistic spirits 242
transiency 152
transition: rites of 69, 205–206
trans-sexuality 231
Trappists 144
trickster 50–51
truth 226, 253
Tungas 183
Turner, Victor 128–129, 172, 173,
178, 208, 240
‘twice-born’ 193
Tylor, edward B. 2–3, 26, 54, 62,
134, 158, 199, 207

Umar ibn al-Khattab 222
umma 52
unconcious: collective 194
Underhill, evelyn 154
understanding 116, 198
universal church 47
universities 14–15
Untouchables 48–49, 182
Upagupta 219
Upanisads 222

Vaikuntha ekādasī 89
Vaiśālī, Council of 166
Vaiśesika 199
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