Religious Studies: The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides)

(Nandana) #1


Śankara 146–147, 168, 201, 229
Santa Ana 241
Sarasvatī 151
Śāriputra 219
Sastri festival 88
Satguru 224
satisfaction 196
Savitri 244
scapegoat 216
Schelling, F. W. J. 157
Schlegel, Friedrich 157
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 2, 6,
62, 84, 115, 248
Schmidt, Wilhelm 76
Schütz, Heinrich 150
science 2–3; of religion 3, 4–6,
55, 159
scripture 221–224
Seal of Solomon 134
Searle, John 239
second coming see parousia
Second eve 46
sects 53, 224
secularity 225
secularization 78, 179, 224–227
Sedna 98
self 227–230; authentic 228–229;
and body 41–42; inauthentic
self-cultivation 62
self-mortification 85–86, 256
semiotics 121
sensibility 198
separation: rites of 69, 205
sex: gender vs. 93–94
sexism 93, 257
sexuality 40, 43–44, 230–232
shadow 237–238
Shakers 256
shamanism 49, 232–234, 256
shar’ia 125
Shawnee 98
Shekel 77–78
Sheol 21
shields 214
Shi’ite Muslims 247

Shilluk 119
Shinran 88
Shinto 38, 76, 164, 260
Shoshoni 241
Siddhārtha Gautama see Buddha
simulation 113–114
sin 220, 234–235, 243; actual 235;
formal 235; material 235; mortal
vs. venial 235; original 83, 220,
235; unconscious vs. conscious
Sinai covenant 59, 192
Sioux 51, 97, 100, 186, 197, 214,
215, 216, 234, 237, 241
Sitting Bull 140
Śiva 99, 100
Skanda 88
Skidi Pawnee 216
Smart, ninian 8, 55, 153–154
Smith, Adam 78
Smith, Jonathan Z. 8–9, 55,
178, 208
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell 12
Smith, William Robertson 158,
smriti 138
Social Gospel Movement 78
societalization 226
society 235–237; and nature 26; and
religion 235–236; secret 236;
social structure 24
sociology 5
Socrates 118
sodomy 232
soma 73
Song of Songs 80
Songkrān festival 89
soul 195, 227, 237–238; body- 21;
free- 21; loss 233
sound: struck/unstruck 151
space: sacred vs. profane 238–239
speech acts 239–240
Spencer, Herbert 4
sphragis 211–212
Spinoza, Baruch de 171
spirit lodge ceremony 234
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