Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 2: SMART Goals | Page 23 of 67

measurable. You can also ask them questions to make sure their goals are achievable and realistic.
When everyone has written at least one SMART goal, say:

“Please find a partner and share your SMART goals. Try to get ideas from your partner about how you
can make your goal more specific and measurable. Check to make sure they are achievable and still
realistic for you.”

  1. Allow about five minutes for sharing. Then lead a discussion with these questions:

Note: Among the discussion questions, those in BOLD are the most important.

What makes you most excited about writing a SMART goal for your dream?
In what ways was this activity difficult? In what ways was it easy?
What is something you might do differently the next time you write SMART goals?
What is something you learned about SMART goals by either writing your own or helping
someone else to write theirs?

Note: Steps 2 and 3 of “My Own SMART Goal” serves as an assessment of Learning Objective 3.

B. Summary
Conclude the activity by saying:

“By now you should have a much clearer idea about how to reach at least one aspect of your dream by
having identified a goal. Remember that SMART goals help you think about all the detail in your
planning and help you make your dream come true.”

V. Assessment ( 15 minutes)

A. Tell Me More
Participants increase excitement for and commitment to their own SMART goals.

  1. Divide the group into two. Say:

“Stand next to anyone you wish. (The facilitator can participate if there is an odd number of people.)
Now, imagine I have one orange and one banana (or any other two locally available fruits). You may
have one and your partner may have the other. Right now, decide who will have the orange, and who
will have the banana. (Pause for a moment to make decisions.)

“I would like the people who chose the orange to make a circle and face the center. And I would like the
people who chose the banana to make a circle in the center of the ‘oranges,’ facing out to their
partners. (You will end up with two concentric rings with each person facing her or his partner.)

“With your partner, I would like you to share the most exciting or interesting part of your personal
story for the future. I’ll give you about 2 minutes for both you and your partner to share. Go!”
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