Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 2: SMART Goals | Page 24 of 67
- After 2 to 3 minutes, interrupt the participants. Say:
“I would like the people in the inside circle to shift to your right one person so you have a new partner.
(The outside circle does not move.) With this new person, I’d like each of you to talk about what you
need to learn or the skills you need to develop to make your personal story become real. Be a good
listener to your partner and be ready to offer suggestions about how to learn even more. Go!”
- After 2 to 3 minutes, interrupt the participants. Say:
“Now I would like the people in the outside circle to shift to your right one person so you have a new
partner. (The inside circle does not move.) With your new partner, talk about the people who can help
you make your personal story a reality. Listen to your partner for ideas she or he might have for you to
expand your own group of helpers. Begin!”
- After 2 to 3 minutes, stop the activity.
Note: The activity “Tell Me More” serves as an assessment of Learning Objectives 2 and 3
B. Summary
Conclude by saying:
“We learned today how to translate a dream of our future into a SMART goal. Goals that are specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound give us a specific strategy to achieve what we want.
We also learned that if we can become clear about what we would like our future story to be, we can
begin to see the steps we can take to get there. We can also see that, for both short-term and long-
term dreams, there will be things we need to learn, skills we need to practice, and many people who are
ready and able to help us along the way.”
Facilitator Notes for Future Improvement
Date & Facilitator Name: [What went well? What would you do differently? Did you need more/less time for certain