Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 4: Setting Priorities, Managing Time | Page 66 of 68
Handout 2: A Full Cup for Tomorrow
How will you fill your cup over the next 24 hours? List all the activities that you think you will be doing during the next
day, beginning at the end of this class and continuing until you go to bed tomorrow night.
My Activities
What will you do to make sure you fulfill your responsibilities and
that your cup does not overflow?
Draw a star next to something positive or good that you would like to do more.
Put an “X” next to something that you could do less of because it is a waste of time.
Put an “R” next to at least one activity that is a Rock, an activity you “Need To” do for your future (If you don’t
have one, ask your partner to help you think of something to add.)
Put a “C” next to at least one activity that you have some choice about even if it is something you “Have To”
do. (You can decide when to do it. You can choose whether to do it earlier or later. You can decide how much
time to spend doing it.) Use your Head, Heart, Hands, and Hopes to help you decide!