Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 1: What is a Leader? | Page 9 of 91
Note: Be prepared to explain what it means to “carry a big stick.” Answer any other clarifying questions about what the
quotes mean.
“Each quote represents a different style or way of thinking about leadership. There is some truth to
each of these statements, depending on what situation you are in.
“I would like your group to talk about the quote you have. What does the quote mean to you? When
would it be an effective way to lead people? What is a situation in which you would want someone to
lead you in this manner?
“Then, I would like you to present a very short skit of only 2 or 3 minutes. Try to show a situation or
time when the type of leadership in your quotation would be effective. You have about 8 minutes to
discuss and plan, then you can act out your skit.”
- Move between the groups while they work to answer questions and clarify the quotations or
instructions. Give each group a chance to share its skits. Then lead a discussion using some of the
following questions, as appropriate:
Note: Among the discussion questions, those in BOLD are the most important.
What are some other situations you would want a more direct leader as in the quote from
Group A? (Possible answers: When you need quick action, like in an emergency. When you
tried negotiation or diplomacy and it didn’t work. When you know you are right. When you
think other people might also use force.)
What are some other situations you would want a less direct leader as in the quote from
Group B? (Possible answers: When you need to include the ideas of many people. When you
have time to discuss, plan, think, and get organized. When you need to meet the needs of a
coalition, or big group of very different people with different needs.)
What are the disadvantages of each of these two types of leadership? (Possible answers: The
quote from Group A is a style that is forceful and tends to hurt people. The quote from Group B
is a style that may not be forceful enough, especially in times of crisis.)
Which of these quotes do you like the most and why?
Think about the leaders we talked about earlier. Which of these quotes best fits each of those
What are some situations where you have used one of these types of leadership?
Note: The discussion questions for “Situational Leadership” serve as an assessment of Learning Objective 2.
B. Summary
Conclude the activity by saying:
“Today we’ve had a chance to talk about the basics of being a leader. With our opening activity, we
learned that there are times we can play a leadership role even when we do not have the title of leader.
We chose our favorite quotes about leadership and identified the qualities of good leaders.
(Point to the flip chart generated by the group and highlight a few key qualities.)