Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 2: Team Leadership | Page 18 of 91

Session 2: Team Leadership

Date: Time: 105 minutes Facilitator(s):

Facilitator preparation:

  1. Prepare one puzzle for each group of four to six participants. Each puzzle should be made of 10 to 12
    large pieces. This should be a very simple puzzle with enough pieces so each participant can have 1-3 pieces.
    Put the pieces for each puzzle in its own envelop or plastic bag. Remove 2-4 pieces from each puzzle and
    distribute them into the envelopes of other puzzles.

Note: Be sure to collect Handout 1 from each participant after she or he has completed it so s/he can use it again in Session
3, “My Leadership Role.”



  1. Puzzles, one for each group of four to six participants. You can purchase children’s puzzles that have
    extra large-sized pieces or cut apart pictures from a calendar, large format magazines, or a flip chart
    that you have drawn. If you are not an artist, draw some simple geometric shapes on a flip chart, add
    some color, and cut it into randomly shaped pieces. (See Trainer Material 2 for a sample.)
    Alternatively, take a large sheet of gift wrap paper and cut it into puzzle pieces.

  2. Green- and red-colored cards, one of either color for each team (See section IV. Application)
    Prepared flip charts
    Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions
    Flip chart 2: Qualities of a Good Leader (from the material the group generated in the previous session
    “What is a Leader?” during the Information activity)
    Handout 1: I am a Leader
    Trainer materials
    Trainer Material 1: Situations: What Would a Leader Do?
    Trainer Material 2: Puzzle Sample

Learning Objectives:

  1. By solving a puzzle as a team, participants will identify at least one strength or advantage of working on a
    diverse team that reflects various perspectives, ideas, or members of different backgrounds.

  2. After a self-reflective activity, participants will identify at least one quality of effective leadership and one
    team member role that they think they have or that they can develop.

  3. Using common group situations, participants will identify at least one strategy to leverage their strengths
    and inspire others to reach a common goal.

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