Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 3: My Leadership Role (Optional) | Page 36 of 91
How is this activity like changing to become a better leader? (Possible answers: I’ve tried some
new ways of doing things but I couldn’t keep doing them. After a while you don’t always
remember to do the new things)
B. Summary
Summarize by saying:
“Today we are going to continue learning about being a better leader and a better group member.
I’m going to give you a chance to work together in a team and you’ll be able to practice some of the
different leadership actions we’ve been talking about. It will feel uncomfortable at first, but there is
always a bit of discomfort when you learn something new. Fortunately, the more you can practice
new actions, the sooner they will feel like your normal way of doing things.”
II. Information ( 20 minutes)
Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions (also used in Unit 4, Session 2, “Team Leadership”)
Flip chart generated by participants in Unit 4, Session 1, “What is a Leader?” during the Information
section, titled “Leadership Qualities”
Participants’ copies of Handout 1: I Am a Leader that they completed in Unit 4, Session 2.
A. Leadership Activities Review
Participants review important learning points from the previous session.
- Remind participants of the leadership actions they learned about in the previous session. Direct their
attention to Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions and say:
“The last time we met we learned about the actions that a leader can take, whether that person is the
formal leader or a regular member of the group. I’ve posted that list here again on the flip chart. What
are some examples you’ve seen since we last met where you saw someone use one of these leadership
activities and did it have positive result?
- Pause to hear a few ideas, then distribute the participants’ copies of Handout 1: I am a Leader that
they completed in the Practice phase of Unit 4, Session 2. Say:
“You’ll remember that each of you were able to determine which of these you already do well. You also
chose at least one that you’d like to try doing more. Take a moment to look at your handout and remind
yourself of a leadership action you’d like to try because today you will have a chance to do just that.”
- Pause to let participants make a choice and to invite them to ask clarifying questions about the
leadership actions. Then say:
“Remember, too, that we talked about how a leader can be either more direct or less direct in how they
take different actions. We talked about the situations when quick action needs to be taken and a more
direct leadership approach is important. We also said that in some situations it’s important for group
members to have more control or make the decisions. That’s when a less direct leadership role is useful.”