Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 3: My Leadership Role (Optional) | Page 37 of 91
- Pause to answer questions or clarify this concept as needed. Show the flip chart generated from Unit 4,
Session 1, What is a Leader? during the Information session, “Leadership Qualities” and say:
“In our first session about leadership, you came up with a list of the qualities of a good leader by
examining quotations about leadership. Please look over this list and let me know if you have any
questions about it.”
- Answer any questions.
B. Summary
Summarize by saying:
“This is a lot of information to remember, but once we get started with the next activity you’ll begin to
feel more comfortable with it and I think you’ll be surprised at how well you are able to use it.”
III. Practice ( 40 minutes)
Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions
Handout 1: Leadership Actions Practice
Paper and pens or pencils
Index cards or small pieces of heavy paper for the green team’s task (150 to 200 pieces for each team)
Index cards or small pieces of heavy paper and tape (or paper clips) for the yellow team’s task (150 to 200
pieces for each team)
Clock or timer
A. Yellow Team, Green Team
Participants practice using leadership actions while completing a task as a team.
- Distribute Handout 1: Leadership Actions Practice (you can also point to Flip chart 1: Leadership
Actions). Say:
“Please look at the list of leadership actions on your handout and choose one or two actions that you
do not usually do but that you will try to do during the next team activity. Write your name in the box
‘I Tried It!’ next to one or two leadership actions that you want to practice.”
- Pause so people have a chance to make their selections on their handout. Say:
“In most situations we are so focused on what we are doing with the group that we don’t pay attention
to how we might be helpful by acting like a leader. Today is your chance to really practice without
worrying whether you’ll do well or poorly. I’ll ask you and your team to complete a simple task and if
you don’t complete it, it won’t be a problem because your real purpose is to practice some new
leadership actions and qualities.
“Remember, it might feel uncomfortable, like folding your hands (or crossing your arms, etc.) the
‘wrong’ way, but real learning is always a little bit uncomfortable, risky, or even scary at first.”