Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1
Index 205

Star Trek’s MTV website
takeover 116
Timothy ‘Scott’ Case with
Malaria No More
beneficiaries 173
Turbotax 74
UK internet usage (April
2010) 15
Vicky Azarian (Ogilvy New
York) 145
viral video (YouTube) 22
WALL-E MySpace profile 100
WOWOW and user-generated
rainbows 165
‘Indies’ as target audience for
Pampero 151–52
Industrial Light and Magic 114
innovation 8, 62, 73, 93
and clever use of technology 5
digital 136
interactive media/rich media 47,
49, 66
internet 5, 12–22, 87, 178, 188,
advertising 93
mobile 18–19
users, UK 14–15, 14
users worldwide 13–14
iPhone 26–27, 27, 28 see also
Apple and Pizza Hut
apps for 8, 47, 60
dice tool 135
and shakeable ad 26

Japan 102 see also WOWOW
Radiohead’s tour in 163, 193

TV viewers in 163

Kellogg’s Rice Krispies and The
e-newsletter 79–85, 82, 83,
key performance indicators 48,
106, 115
Kutcher, A 167–70, 191 see also
Malaria No More

lessons from
12 cams create your
rainbow 164–65, 165
Absolut Vodka – in an Absolut
world 89–90, 89
Barack Obama’s 2008
campaign 183–84
Barnado’s Break the Cycle
campaign videos 177–78,
Dockers ‘Pants Dance’ 27–29
Doritos Hotel 626 40–42
Foster’s Ozometer 127–28, 128
Foster’s Virtual Shadow Napping
campaign 121–22, 122
IBM’s Lost in Space 142–43,
Lynx Primal Instinct 49, 50
Malaria No More: World Malaria
Day 170, 171
Mercedes Benz smart fortwo
car 35–36, 36
Nintendo Wario Land ‘Shake It’
game 93
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