The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

sought material placed inside. This is still known as the
Mermet pendulum and can be purchased at many New
Age bookstores.

Dowsers and diviners are still working today in
various areas of the world. Bill Lewis from Wales has
worked with Paul Devereux on the Dragon Project,
where he found radioactivity at the Rollright Stone
Circle. Another dowser, Fran Farrelly from Florida, has
worked with Stanford Research International in Menlo
Park, California.

Today, the pendulum is once more becoming a
popular tool for dowsing, healing, and gaining insight
into future events. The pendulum is the most versatile
and popular of all divining instruments. However, it is
also the one most misused and misunderstood. Its
simplicity easily lends itself to use by those who have no
self-discipline to learn the craft correctly. Although not
everyone will become as proficient as Major Pogson or
Abbe Mermet with a pendulum, with practice, patience,
and persistence, anyone can learn to use this divining

Making and Using a Pendulum

Pendulums have become very popular in the last few
years. There appears to be an inborn human fascination
with this divination and dowsing tool that spans cultural
backgrounds and ethnic origins. However, many people
give up using a pendulum when they don't get
immediate results or seem to get ambiguous answers.

Pendulums do work if used properly, but it takes
practice, patience, persistence, and experience before
one can distinguish between nonsense answers and the
truth. After all, you are creating a link with your

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