The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

subconscious mind, which only speaks and understands
symbols and symbolic reasoning. If you get the signals
wrong, the subconscious mind will not know how to
answer other questions. It will become confused. It is up
to the pendulum user to develop the skills needed to
correctly interpret the coded language of her/his
subconscious mind.

The world today is basically geared to the left-brain or
analytical and linear thinking. In fact, this "rational"
side of our brain and lives is overfed. Schools and
businesses rarely try to emphasize the right-brain or
creative, intuitive abilities. We are taught to analyze
everything, but follow orders without question. It is
almost like walking around all the time with one closed
eye and one deaf ear. Our subjective, intuitive, right-
brain is starving. In order for pendulum divining to work
properly, you have to learn to let go with the left-brain
and allow the right-brain the freedom to bring up

One of the easiest ways to learn to access the right-
brain is through the practice of meditation. This quiet
activity allows the creative side of the brain to get
exercised, especially if one does not practice the Eastern
idea of "no thought," but instead lets the mind cast up
whatever mental pictures and expressions it wishes.
Meditation is a backdoor method of strengthening the
intuitive side of the brain and thus the intuition itself.
Other easy methods of right-brain stimulation are the
use of the pendulum, tarot cards, runes, or other
divination tools. By presenting the left-brain with a
physical object to consider, one can create an
unobstructed avenue for the right-brain to cast up
intuitive messages.

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