The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

anything that cannot be seen, touched, cut up, or made
to move a dial. So it is best not to engage in any test
with a disbeliever. The only person you need to prove
anything to is yourself.

Since you cannot learn to dowse or divine with a
pendulum by reading about it I suggest you make or buy
a pendulum before you go any further in this book. Then
practice each exercise as you read through the book.
Although the exercises require more than a cursory
attempt if you want to become proficient and get
reliable answers to your questions, you can learn to get
movement results from a pendulum almost immediately.

Make Your Pendulum

Technically, a pendulum is any balanced weight hung on
a thread or string. This can be a cork with a darning
needle run through the exact center, a hexagonal nut on
a string, a carpenter's plumb bob, or, according to folk
tradition, a wedding ring suspended on a hair. Although
these makeshift pendulums will work if you have
nothing else to use, only the carpenter's plumb bob is
very effective. The others are either too light in weight
or their shape is not conducive to good movement.
Although traditionally it is possible to make a pendulum
out of rings, buttons, corks, or pencils, these do not
prove to be very accurate pendulums. They are far too
light and unbalanced. A pencil with a needle stuck in
the eraser may be heavier and more balanced, but its
long, thin shape is not the best for a pendulum,
particularly for beginners.

One of the easiest pendulums to make uses a natural
quartz crystal point. Glue a bail to the top and thread a
string through the bail. The pendulum is ready to use as
soon as it is dry. The crystal point, however, must not

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