The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Intuition and dowsing are so closely connected that
they may be one and the same thing. One thing is
certain, however, the practice of dowsing will exercise
your intuitive thinking, thereby causing you to become
more aware of nudges from the psychic areas of your

Herbert Weaver, in his book Divining, the Primary
Sense, did experiments that led him to believe that the
dowser or diviner responds to electromagnetic fields
given off by the object sought. This definition of
electromagnetic fields is a scientific way of describing
what psychic people call vibrations. Everything has an
energy field that forms an aura around the person,
animal, or object. These auras or energy fields vibrate,
even in inanimate objects. It is this vibration that is felt
and "read" by psychics and dowsers.

Dowsing, like everything else in this world, is not 100
percent accurate. We are dealing with intuition and the
collective unconscious sending messages through a
human mind. No matter how highly skilled in whatever
profession, no human is correct all the time. This fact is
even more pertinent when working with intuitive,
subconscious messages. Every impression and
subconscious message has the possibility of being
analyzed, interpreted, and censored by the left-brain.
Beginners in anything make a lot of mistakes, and
pendulum divining is no exception. However, anyone
who is sensitive, and this includes a large percentage of
people, can get a reaction from and learn to use a
pendulum or dowsing rods.

Dowsers rarely do well in scientific tests of any kind.
Perhaps this is because those critical of the practice
remove everything intuitive and insist that only the
linear be used. Scientists are notorious for disbelieving

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