The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

wood, plastic, manmade crystal, or various types of
shaped natural stone. Many dowsers do not like round,
ball-shaped pendulums. However, one of my most
responsive pendulums is a round, plastic one on a cheap

Whatever you decide to use as a pendulum, do not use
one that is so light it has no weight to swing or so heavy
that your hand quickly becomes tired. Although any
shape of pendulum that is properly balanced will work
for most questions, a pointed pendulum is best to use for
map dowsing, particularly if you are using the pendulum
itself instead of a pointer to indicate specific areas on
the map.

You can tell if the pendulum weight and shape is
appropriate for you by the length of time it takes the
pendulum to swing or move. If it moves very slowly or
not at all, try varying the length of the string. Then
check to see if the pendulum is balanced exactly at the
center. If these changes do not correct the problem, try a
pendulum that is heavier, lighter, or differently shaped.
The least effective type of pendulum shape for most
people, particularly for beginners, is one that is long and
thin, like a pencil.

Pendulums are readily available in rock shops and
New Age stores, or from any Pagan supplier. When
purchasing a pendulum, always choose one that feels
good to you. Everyone is familiar with the unexplainable
feeling that something is not quite right about a car, a
house, a computer, or a piece of jewelry. This feeling
frequently manifests by an uncomfortable feeling in the
pit of your stomach. It is your psychic sensing or gut
feeling warning you that the object in question is not
right for you. You can better sense this feeling from a
pendulum if you hold it cupped between your hands.

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