The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

The negative vibrations of a pendulum may range from
prickly to slimy. No matter how good the price or how
much you want a pendulum made of a certain stone, it is
not to your benefit to purchase one that makes you the
slightest uneasy.

The first thing you should do after purchasing a
pendulum is clean it of the vibrations left by anyone
who handled it. You can easily do this by holding it
under cool, running water if it is made of stone,
gemstone, glass, or metal. If it is a wooden or cork
pendulum, rub it gently between your hands until it
warms with your vibrations. You can embed more of
your vibrations into your pendulum by using it

Test Your Pendulum

When a pendulum is good for you, it will make you feel
comfortable with it. Its vibrations may be cold, hot,
tingly, or pulsating, depending upon the material from
which it is made.

Next, test the way the pendulum is balanced and
weighted by dangling it from its string. Is the weight
heavy enough to be felt through the string or chain? If it
is too light, the pendulum will be affected by the
slightest movements, whether of your hand or the air.
You need to select a pendulum that weighs from 1/2
ounce to 2 ounces. Each person's requirements will be

Is the pendulum bail or hole centered, and is the
pendulum shaped properly? If the bail or hole is off-
center, the pendulum will not respond properly. If a
string is tied directly to the pendulum, I suggest that you
attach a small jump-ring through the hole in the top of
the ring and retie the string to the jump-ring. If the

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