The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

to move your pendulum. This exercise helps you learn
the difference in feeling between a true subconscious
answer and an answer that is what you want. This also
is the first step in communicating with the right-brain
for dowsing.

Holding your pendulum in the above-described
position, mentally tell the pendulum to make clockwise
circles. Continue thinking this command at the
pendulum until it circles in a clockwise direction. If the
pendulum does not move, and your choice of a
pendulum seems to be right for you, physically and
gently cause the pendulum to move in the direction you
wish it to go. Stop the pendulum and again give it the
mental command to circle clockwise. When you are
successful in this, command the pendulum to stop.
Repeat this exercise as many times as you need.
When you can control the pendulum through the
circle and stop movements, work until you can
command the pendulum to make first bigger, then
smaller clockwise circles.

Clockwise Circles
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