The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

you are tired or when you are ill at ease with another
person or the questions she/he wants answered.

When you first begin using the pendulum for
answering questions, start with only about 2 inches of
thread hanging down between your fingers and the
pendulum. Do not hold the pendulum thread too tight. If
you do, this tension will keep the pendulum from
moving freely. Gradually extend the length of string
until the pendulum swings freely and easily for its
weight. Some pendulum users recommend putting a
knot in the string at this point, but I do not. The length
needed for a good pendulum swing may vary from time
to time, so a knot would only cause confusion. I have
noticed that barometer changes and moon phases
sometimes alter the length of thread needed.

When first working with a pendulum, or when you
return to pendulum divining after a period of time, you
need to practice on movements only. Leave the asking of
questions until you become more proficient and
confident with the pendulum. When you find yourself
without your pendulum in times of emergency, you can
substitute a large button or metal nut on a string, or a
needle with thread stuck in the eraser end of a short
pencil. However, these are more difficult to use and can
be far less accurate for a novice diviner.

To become good with a pendulum you need to
practice a series of exercises for three to six weeks.
Practice each of the exercises in this book in their order
for the best results. This is to ensure that you understand
each area of pendulum dowsing.

The first set of exercises consists of learning to make
the pendulum move without any questions or motives
behind it. By practicing these exercises you will learn
that you can use the power of your subconscious mind

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