The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Timing also plays an important part in pendulum
divining, just as it does in the use of any foretelling
method. Things, people, and events may not all be in
place to give you the answer about a future event at that
Also being aware of the strength with which the
pendulum answers questions will aid you in determining
the validity of a question. A wide swing for Yes is
unquestionable, while a half-hearted, weak swing means
you could push the issue for which you ask, but it may
not be worth the effort and you may not get a truthful
answer. Dowsers must keep in touch with reality at all
times or things will go wrong, and we will get the results
we want instead of the truth. Therefore, you must be
aware all the time and word questions very carefully.
Yes and No swings of a pendulum can also be used to
answer such polarity questions as masculine and
feminine, up and down, or hot and cold. The
masculine/feminine polarity can be used to divine the
sex of an unborn child or the sex of a person in a future
event. For example, if you are considering a change in
jobs, you might wish to ask if your new boss will be a
man or a woman. The up and down description will help
you when dowsing for lost objects. The hot and cold
polarity is also useful when searching for something. Hot
will mean you are closer to the object, while cold means
you are going the wrong way.
Every dowser or diviner has periods when she/he
seems to get nothing but idiot answers from her/his
device. This frequently shows up when you are showing
off instead of taking the pendulum and its powers
seriously. This also may happen if the user is tired or
uncomfortable asking the question. It may occur at other
times for no known reason. This infrequent reaction

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