The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Red and Black Cards

When you score more correct finds than wrong ones
in the last exercise, select five red cards and one black
card. Shuffle these, laying them face down in a line on
the table without looking at them. See if you can find
the black card.

The next step is to shuffle the entire deck minus the
Joker and lay out seven cards in a line on the table. This
will be more difficult, as you are not selecting a certain
number of red or black cards. Keep track of your score
as you hold the pendulum over one card at a time and
ask about the color. Since the card will be either red or
black, it does not matter which color you name when
asking the question.

When you reach a high success rate at this, separate
the face cards (Kings, Queens, Jacks, and Jokers) from
the desk. Shuffle these cards and lay them face down on
the table without looking at the cards. Now use the
pendulum to search out certain cards, such as the Kings.
Since this exercise is more involved than the previous
ones, you will need to work your way through a series of
questions until the pendulum gives you a Yes. For
example, you may ask the pendulum if the card is a
King. If it answers No, you must work your way through

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