The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

background and roots; what you keep protected and
secluded from the world.

FIFTH HOUSE This area symbolizes the heart, romance, love
affairs, and your sexual nature in general. It also points
to children; entertainment; creativity; new undertakings;
gambling; pets and playmates.

SIXTH HOUSE This house is for personal responsibilities, and
the way you do or do not handle them. It also shows the
influences of colleagues and employees; work; service to
others; health; illnesses brought on by worry or
emotional upsets.

SEVENTH HOUSE An area of primary relationships and
partnerships, this house reveals marriage; divorce;
remarriage; business and legal affairs; contracts; open
enemies; adversaries in the business world; the public.

EIGHTH HOUSE This house points to joint resources;
investments; taxes; inheritances; debts of partner; death
and rebirth or regeneration; spiritual transformation;
surgeries; psychic powers or knowledge; occult studies.

NINTH HOUSE This is the house of social areas; higher
education; philosophy; religion; law, long-distance
travel; foreign places and peoples; your public
expression of ideas; publishing.

TENTH HOUSE This is the area of reputation; career; social
responsibilities; ambition; attainment; outward
expression of talents. It also reveals the mother's
influence and character on your life.

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