The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ELEVENTH HOUSE This house governs your goals; friends;
social values; teamwork; long-term dreams and wishes;
involvement with groups and organizations; idealism
and visions.

TWELFTH HOUSE This last astrological house is concerned
with the subconscious; past karma; privacy; retreat or
confinement; prisons; hospitals; secret enemies; self-
defeat or self-undoing; troubles; secrets; sorrows;
disappointments and troubles; accidents; psychic

The chart of the planets (below) shows the different
ways we relate to life. It is best used for questions such
as "What planetary energy do I need in my life?" or
"What planet causes me stress?" Other good questions
are "What is the best planetary energy for me?" or
"Which is the most challenging planetary energy for

Planets Chart

This chart is composed of the five inner visible planets
and the two luminaries that most strongly affect our
lives, the three outer invisible planets, and Chiron,

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