The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

defend yourself from such people is to throw up a blue
psychic shield around you and hope for the best. Or
avoid these vampires entirely. To construct a psychic
shield, visualize yourself surrounded by brilliant blue
light, or see yourself wearing shining blue armor. Pour
more energy into this shield if you feel it weakening.

If you are a novice at aura healing, or if you don't feel
comfortable with the draining that can happen during a
healing, break the connection at once. Immediately
wash your hands or at least wipe them several times
against your legs or sides to make certain the connection
is broken. This is a good method to practice whenever
you have completed an aura healing, as it makes certain
the auras' ties are broken.

Sometimes, you will discover what is known as a flare
in an aura. In this case, the field abnormally jumps out
from the person's aura in a long flare. These flares are
usually caused by emotional distress of some kind. Left
unattended, they can burn a hole in the aura's layers
and let in diseases. Touching a flare may bring with it
mental images or feelings of the emotion that caused the
problem. If you suddenly feel anger, sadness, or
depression in a flare, that is a good indication that the
patient is either going through or just passed through
intense events that triggered such feelings.

Again, try to seal the hole with universal energy. You
may have to smooth over this flare several times before
it will stay in its proper place. However, unless the
emotional distress is remedied, the flare will soon pop
out in the aura again. As in all healings, the patient must
actively take a part in their own healing and be
responsible enough to correct what needs correcting on
a physical level.

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