The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Every time you touch an aura in healing, even for a
brief moment, you may make a significant change, so be
certain you are in a positive frame of mind. Otherwise,
you may transfer negative energy even though you don't
mean to. Always finish an aura reading or healing by
swiftly moving your hands from the top to the bottom of
the aura, thus sealing it again.

You need to practice touching auras as much as you
can with a variety of people. For this reason, it is nice to
work with a group of people studying aura healing. In
this way you can acquaint yourself with different auras
and broaden your own understanding of the subject.
Also, you will notice that an aura will change from one
time to the next, depending upon what health or life
conditions the person is experiencing.


The aura is closely connected with what are called
chakras (also see this page). Chakra is a Hindu word that
means "wheel of fire." Traditionally, there are seven
major chakras, although there are many minor chakras
also. The chakras are whirling vortexes of energy in the
aura and etheric body that suck in universal energy
when they are working properly. If partially or
completely blocked, a chakra will cause a breakdown in
physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. This
results in illness.

In Hindu belief, the prana, which is universe energy,
comes in seven colors that match the seven major
chakras of the human body. These colored universal rays
constantly move into and out of well-balanced chakras,
keeping the body healthy and vital. If you want to do
complete magickal healing, you need to acquaint

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