The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

with the shoulders, neck, and head muscles. Take your
time but don't dwell too long on this part of the
exercise. If you try too hard to relax, you will defeat
your purpose.

After a short time, visualize yourself standing beside a
small stream of running water. Take all of your negative
emotions and events (including troublesome people) and
throw them into the stream. This action tells the
subconscious mind that these people and events should
be resolved or removed from your life.

You turn away from the stream and see a wall with a
door. You go to the door and open it. Inside is an empty
room with a chair. On the wall in front of the chair is a
huge screen, like a movie screen. You sit in the chair
and look at the screen. You will use this screen and the
power within this room to build yourself an Otherworld
healing temple where you can go to heal yourself or
work on healing for others.

Begin building this temple by visualizing on the
screen what setting you wish it to be in: on top of a
mountain, beside the sea or a lake, in the forest, out on a
desert, even on the moon or in the clouds. The setting
can be anything you wish. Now, mentally construct the
temple in any shape, of any size, and of any material
you wish. You may want it to look like a castle or
perhaps like a giant seashell. The choice is yours. Create
any windows and doors you want.

Now, go inside your healing temple and decorate the
interior in any manner you want. You may wish to have
your main healing room within a place of worship, or it
may look like a modern house furnished with soft beds
for patients or yourself to lie upon. You can come to this
Otherworld place anytime you are in meditation, either
to be healed, to relax, or to work on healing for another.

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