The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

This is your refuge from stress and your spot to connect
with universal energy.

Take as much time as you need to create this sacred
space. It will remain intact in the ethereal realms,
waiting for you whenever you enter meditation.

When you are ready to return to this time and place,
open your eyes and move slowly until you are

You can return to your healing temple at any time.
Just be certain that you dump the negatives before you
go there so you don't contaminate your healing space.

To do healing work in your temple, mentally call the
name of the sick person. Their astral body will appear in
the temple, and you can begin your work. See Absent
Healing on this page for more suggestions about healing
techniques using meditation. To heal yourself, lie down
on one of your healing beds in the temple and call for
your spiritual guides, guardian angels, or a deity to help

If you experience painful memories while in
meditation, acknowledge their existence, but tell
yourself that you will not let them control or influence
your life. You may need to drop them into the stream
several times before your subconscious mind gets the
message that you don't need to relive these any longer.

Sometimes, you will get visions of unfamiliar events.
These are images from past lives, images that contain
clues to present problems and health trouble. If you are
healing another person, these unbidden images belong
to them. Look closely at these fragmentary events for

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