The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

people do not want to be healed but wish to leave the
earth plane for a more pain-free existence in the
Otherworld. I had this forcefully brought home one time
when I was working on the father of a friend. During my
meditation, when I contacted with the comatose elderly
gentleman, who was in the hospital, I immediately saw
two images of the man. One was lying quietly on the
hospital bed, but the other was actively wielding a
kitchen broom, batting away all the healing energy. I
had never met the father and was amazed that his spirit
body was so active in resistance. When I described the
man to my friend, thinking I might have contacted the
wrong person, he assured me the description fit his
father, who used a kitchen broom to oust both unwanted
Texas critters and salesmen. His father had once
remarked that if he ever got too sick to live life as he
wanted, he didn't want to continue living. So, instead of
a healing, I worked for a pain-free, peaceful passage
from this life.

Mantras and Mudras

Sometimes you may wish to meditate on a more
spiritual level without using a guided journey. In this
case, you can use mantras and mudras. Mudras,
however, can be used in either type of meditation,
guided or silent.

A mantra is a single word or a series of words that
center and calm the user through their vibrational
qualities (see this page). This word or series of words is
chanted with each exhalation of breath while you

A mudra is a hand gesture that has held a certain
meaning for thousands of years. A few of these are
explained below. In the ancient Hindu tradition these

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