The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

clues to present life troubles. These past life memories
are dealt with the same as those from your past in this

At some time during a meditation, you may become
aware of something attached to you that you didn't
know was there. If healing another person, you may see
something attached to them. These are called
"cordings." Cordings are attachments between people.
These cordings may arise in this lifetime or in past lives.
Although they appear positive between good friends,
lovers, and close family members, they are frequently
negative connections that you don't want or need. You
may see these in meditation as a rope-like attachment to
one or all of your, or the patient's, first three chakras.
They are usually dull and muddy in color, although
active ones can appear fire-red. You can sever and
eliminate these unwanted energy drainers and
controllers by visualizing a bright sword or a flaming
torch in your power hand. Simply cut or burn the
cordings in two. It may take several attempts to
completely sever strong cordings.
Your own silver (sometimes a light blue) cord that
attaches your astral body (soul) to the physical body is
always with you and is not the same as a negative
cording. The silver cord can't be suddenly attacked by
evil astral entities and severed. It detaches itself when
your life is finished, and only then.

It is possible that you will meet spiritual guides,
guardian angels, or deceased loved ones while
meditating. They want to help you. If they make you
uncomfortable, ask them to leave.

If you are working on healing another person while in
meditation, be aware of the patient's body language as
soon as you make mental contact with them. Some

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