The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Michael Smith's books Crystal Power, Crystal Spirit, and
Crystal Warrior. He gives full details for healing wands
and other useful items.

Never give up hope and never stop your healing work
for yourself or a patient. When it seems the darkest, a
change is often right around the corner. Willpower
directed through a healing meditation is very powerful.
It can also be a spiritually uplifting experience for the
patient, the caregiver, and the healer.

Affirmations and Chants

Healers of all ages, past and present, have known that
the patient's will to recover and the will to live are
essential for a healing. Sick people can die quickly of a
nonfatal disease if they give up hope and believe they
will die. We see this combination of illness and despair
more and more, because modern medicine has separated
the body from the mind and spirit in healing. You would
think we would learn to reinforce modern medicine with
ancient alternative practices that will heal the entire
person, on all levels. Without healing a patient on all
levels, there can be no complete healing.

There are physicians who believe in the connection
between irresponsible or negative thinking and illnesses.
One physician I know insists that his patients become
responsible for their diseases. Although his definition of
being responsible and mine are not quite the same, we
have definitely established a way of understanding each


It is the responsibility of patients and their families to
take active roles in healing. The easiest method is to use

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