The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

The thymus gland lies in the front of the chest and just
below the thyroid gland. It governs the actions of the
lymph glands for fighting infection.

One adrenal gland sits atop each kidney. These glands
produce adrenalin for the sympathetic nervous system.
They also release other hormones to regulate the
amount of salt and water in the body.

Absent healers work with images and send certain
colors of healing energy during an absent healing
treatment. In general, red healing energy produces
energy for physical body maintenance; it is a stimulus
that speeds up sluggish organs. Green energy aids the
subconscious mind in replacing or rebuilding damaged
areas. Blue energy will support the interaction of body
functions, calm pain, relax the body, and soothe the
nervous system. Pink energy calms intense nervous
conditions. Use white energy for general healing,
disinfecting, energizing, stimulating, and normalizing
any physical problem.

There are a number of ways to interpret diseases that
appear during a healing, but you must find the one that
helps you the most. Images of diseases usually appear as
symbolic impressions. For example, if you are working
on a patient with diabetes, this disease may appear to
you as a pipe with a thick, syrupy, reddish brown liquid
flowing through it or as large white specks in the blood
stream. The white specks could be interpreted as sugar
crystals, just as the thick, syrupy liquid would be the
blood stream clogged with sugar particles. Broken bones
often look like snapped sticks. Painful muscles may
appear as long red streaks giving off a fiery heat.
Arthritic joints might look like ball bearings coated with
pebbles and sand. With practice, you will understand
what your intuition is trying to explain.

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