AnyDesk is free for personal use and lets you control any device, including
Macs and Windows computers. Control your home Mac from a work PC.
Weskippeda fewstepsconcerning
security,solet’stakea look.MacOSwill
youallowit, whichlimitswhatAnyDesk
candounlessyoupermitit in System
Preferences.Thisis animportantstep.
Also,if youuseAnyDesktohelpsomeone
However,if thereis nooneat theMac,you
Remote access
security features
Set Unattended Access
In Preferences>Security, tick ‘Enable
unattended access’ and ‘Allow computer to
save login information’. A password is required,
which is used for remote access (see step 4).
Accessibility Access
In the Accessibility Access window open
System Preferences>Security & Privacy>
Accessibility and allow AnyDesk. This allows
the remote device to control the computer.
Step-by-step Set up remote Mac access
Get AnyDesk
Go to in Safari and click
the ‘Free Download button’. Double-click the
.dmg file afterwards and double-click AnyDesk.
app. There’s no installation, it just works.
Log in
To access the Mac you must enter a
password (see the boxout for security) and
there is an option to log in automatically in
future. Select it if you plan to use this often.
Get the code
The number under This Desk is important
and is unique to this Mac. To control another
device you would enter its number into the
Remote desk box. Leave it blank for now.
Control your Mac
The Mac’s screen is mirrored on the iPad
and it works as if you were sitting in front of it.
There is no mouse pointer, just tap and drag
like the Mac had a touchscreen.
Remotely connect
Install AnyDesk on another Mac, iPhone
or iPad and run it. We installed it on an iPad
from the App Store. Enter the Mac’s address
into the Remote Address box (no commas).
Tweak the settings
Swipe in from the right to access the app
settings while you are remotely controlling the
Mac. Control the Mac’s mouse, synchronise
the clipboard and more. Customise it.
Image Source: AnyDesk Software GmbH