What about LibreOffice?
If you use LibreOffice, you can follow
the same steps as for OpenOffice to
recover your unsaved files. The two
packages are based on the same office
software platform. So while they are
developed by separate teams, in terms
of this tutorial at least, they are pretty
much one and the same.
Knowledge base
Recover an unsaved
OpenOffice document
processor,therearealsosomegreatalternatives.Oneof them
is ApacheOpenOffice,anopen-sourceofficeproductivity
Officefiles.But,likemanypackages,it cansometimesrunintodifficulties
andif it crashesasyou’rebashingoutanimportantpieceof work,you
imagine. You may even have lost none at all. OpenOffice keeps backup
files of your unsaved documents, allowing you to recover them and
continue working. They’re stored in a single folder on your Mac and the
trickis locatingit onyourcomputerwhichis thankfullyveryeasyto do.
If Apache OpenOffice crashes, don’t despair – you’re only a few
steps awayfromrecoveringyourfile
Time needed
The Apache
Software Foundation
OpenOffice keeps backup files of your
unsaved documents, allowing you to
recover them and keep working...
Always create a backup copy
Make sure OpenOffice is saving a backup of the
documents that you are working on
Launch the
Open this window
by heading over to
Select ‘Load/Save’ from
the left-hand menu and
choose ‘General’ to
see options for saving
your documents.
Check the box
The most crucial box here
is the one next to ‘Always
Create A Backup Copy’.
Make sure this is ticked
otherwise backup files will
not be created if anything
goes wrong.
Select a timeframe
Tell OpenOffice how regularly
you would like it to save
AutoRecovery information. By
default, it is set to 15 minutes.
The shorter you set it, the less
likely you’ll lose work.
Choose a file type
While you’re here, it’s worth
pointing out that you can
change the default document
type used for saving files. This
may be useful if you don’t
want to work with ODF docs.