Your health data may contain private and personal information that you don’t
want others to see, so be sure to keep the exported file safe.
andin thetutorialwelookedat savingit
toa notein theNotesapp.Thedatacan
orsentviaa textmessage.Whichever
methodyouuse,makesureit is secure
andthatnooneelsecanaccessit. You
couldevenAirDropit toa partner’siPhone
export options
Email your data
Choose ‘Save to Files’ when exporting the
health data to go to this screen. The options
depend on what apps are installed – yours
may have other drives. Tap ‘iCloud Drive’.
Save to iCloud
Any files saved to iCloud are synced with
your Mac so this is a good choice if you want
to access the health data file on the desktop.
It’s visible here and in Finder on the Mac.
Step-by-step Export data from the Health app
Open the app
Open the Health app on your iPhone and
select the Health Data screen using the icon at
the bottom of the screen. Tap the image in the
top-right corner to go to your profile.
Save to Notes
There are many export options and these
are covered in our annotated screenshot.
Select one, such as Notes. This creates a new
note and attaches a file called
View your profile
Your profile screen appears and brief
details are displayed like your date of birth, sex,
blood type and so on. At the bottom is ‘Export
Health Data’. Tap it to continue.
View the note
Switch to the Notes app afterwards
and then find and open the Note to see the
exported file from the Health app. The data is
zipped, but tapping the zip file opens it.
Export your data
A message is displayed warning that
this could take a few moments, but it takes
just seconds. If you really want to export your
health data, tap ‘Export’.
View health data
Tapping the zip shows nothing, but a
message is displayed on the screen asking if
you want to preview the contents. Tap it to see
the health data and scroll through it.