Step-by-step Touchtypingtweaks foriPhone
Easier typing on the iPhone
ow fast can you type on your iPhone? Seeing a
teenager’s thumbs flying around the onscreen keyboard
as they furiously type may make you envious, but with a
few changes to the iPhone’s settings, you won’t be far behind.
There are many settings which have an impact on typing on the
iPhone and they can make it easier and quicker, and you’ll be
less prone to making typing slips.
One way you can make typing easier is to hold down the
keyboard switcher button and select left or right-handed mode,
which shifts the keys nearer to your thumb. You can then type
with one hand. There are many additional settings and you can
have letters or word spoken as you type, or whenever you make a
mistake, and much more.
Make typing faster and simpler with these simple settings tweaks on your iOS device
Many keys on your iOS keyboard provide additional
characters and text shortcuts if you press and hold...
Show the case
At one time the iPhone keyboard showed
only uppercase letters on keys. If you prefer it
go to Settings>General>Accessibility>
Keyboard and turn off ‘Show Lowercase Keys’.
Set key repeat
Press ‘Key Repeat’ and enable it. Set
the delay until a key begins repeating when it
is held down, and then set the repeat interval,
which is how fast the key then repeats.
Adjust key response
Press ‘Slow Keys’ in step 1 and enable
Slow Keys. If you have problems typing and
make mistakes, you may find it useful to add a
slight delay between pressing and activating.
Type and speak
The iPhone can say the keys you press
and words you type to help you spot mistakes.
Go to Settings>Accessibility>Speech>Typing
>Feedback. Configure the settings here.
Press and slide
You can tap Shift for a single capital or
press and slide. Press Shift and then slide your
finger over the keyboard to enter a capital.
Double-tap Shift to stick it down.
Alternate keys
It works with ‘123’ too. Instead of tapping
to switch keys, press and slide to the key you
want, without switching key layouts. Tap ‘123’
then press and slide to the ‘#+=’ key too.
Time needed