The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Men Must Make the First Move


Even in this enlightened age of female equality, you must be a chivalrous gentleman.
The more confidently you do this, the better your presentation will be. Here are some examples
of chivalry:

  • Open doors for her: This includes car doors, front doors, etc. Women like this and
    expect it, period.

  • Let the woman go first: Getting on buses, going in doors, sitting down, etc. Let her
    order first. Women go first.

  • Pull out her chair for her: When you go to restaurants, the waiter will sometimes do
    this for you, but you should try to do it where possible. Don’t overdo this one as it can
    come across as a bit over the top.

  • Order for her: If you can find out what she’s decided on, you can place the order for
    her at a restaurant.

  • Take her coat/help her put on her coat

  • When walking down the street, walk between her and the street. I did not realize
    this but this tradition is so if a car jumps the curb, you’ll be the first to go. I think this
    situation is still rare enough that you don’t have to worry.

When you perform these acts, it is important to not make too much of a display of them.
You must act as though this is natural, even routine for you. It’s not just special treatment for her
because you’re trying to impress her. You convey that you do this all the time for the women in
your life.


The reason I’m working so hard on your game, guys, is that you have a role to play that
you cannot weasel out of. I’m talking about the Dating Law that we must all agree to and get
past to succeed in the long term.

Sure, from time to time, a woman will help you out by being more forward, perhaps
offering you her phone number or wearing a strapless dress, but it is infrequent. You are
required to initiate what happens at each step along the way as you date a woman. This is a risk
you must take in order to connect with her.
The Truth is that women – despite all the talk in recent years about liberation and
equality – still want a man to behave like a man. There’s an awful lot of whining from guys
about how since women want to be treated equally that this means they shouldn’t have to do all
the work anymore. Sure, thousands of years of mating behavior are now going to be thrown out
the window.

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