The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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C’mon, it’s not going to happen. And definitely not overnight.
Please accept right now that you need to take responsibility for initiating many of the
actions that will get you together with a woman. And take heart in the fact that this is the
toughest part of the deal. The Dating Black Book will make this dance go smoothly, and with a
minimum of getting your toes stepped on.

Get Yourself a Good Co-Pilot

If there’s one thing that will help you more than anything when you go out to meet
women, it’s having someone along who can show you the ropes. If you can find a mentor,
someone who knows this game cold, and they will help you out, it’s worth every beer you buy
him to learn his game.
Something I learned from listening to success stories of those who really excelled at any
skill was to use this simple two-step approach:

  1. Be coach-able: Put your ego aside for a while and be willing to accept that
    you’re not a know-it-all, especially if you aren’t getting the results you want or
    that you see others achieving.

  2. Find the person doing what you want to be doing, and go beat their door
    down. Get their assistance and teaching any way you can.

What gets in our way is the Male Ego. Men find it easier to go into denial that they don’t
have a natural “way with women,” and refuse to understand and change their ways. As a result
we just keep on making mistakes, never asking for help or assistance to correct the problems as
they arise.
If you can find someone just to be your wingman during the process of meeting women,
you will find that it takes a lot of the anxiety off the process. Plus, you will have the ability to
compare notes and refine your approach along the way.

ABF – ALWAYS BE FLIRTING!.....................................................................................................................

One of the great guy movies of the last decade is “Glengarry Glen Ross.” It’s essentially
a male power struggle in the realm of real estate sales. One of the lines in the movie (and in
sales) is ABC – Always Be Closing. I’m updating that for you and your dating search to ABF –
Always Be Flirting.
You have to take on a certain mindset if you want to improve and become more
successful with women. All too frequently, men look at dating and the prospecting process as an
isolated event. They are either being “themselves” or they are flirting and dating, as if the two
are separate parts of their personalities. I am here to tell you that you must fuse these two parts
of your behavior if you are to move on to the level of True Performance with women. It’s like
adding an octane boost to your fuel, and you’ll make exponential strides in your development.
Here’s how this works:

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