The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Whenever you are talking with a woman (or women), you are flirting.

I don’t care if it’s the old lady that lives upstairs to you or the pregnant woman serving
you coffee at Starbucks. ABF! You are using every single interaction with a woman to practice
your technique and your ability to engage her attraction and trust mechanisms. Instead of
viewing some women as approachable and some as just routine, you begin to see how women
as a whole are not dangerous or scary. Isn’t it interesting how the women you aren’t attracted to
are safe and easy to talk to, while the ones you desire become intimidating? Every woman is
equal, and understanding this will make it easier for you when you do see a gorgeous blonde in
the Best Buy flipping through CDs. She’ll become just another woman for you to interact with.

Remember: Teasing is flirting. The best kind of flirtation with a woman is to tease her,
to bust her balls, to let her know that she is not on a pedestal. Make fun of her. Be indifferent to
her interest. All these elements of teasing pull together the Three S’s (Self-confidence, Self-
discipline, Sense-of-humor) and present you as a challenge to her. When you don’t approach
her with a compliment or a come-on, she also doesn’t start registering you as someone that
wants to date her. You sneak under her radar.
Teasing is flirting.

  • “So, do you always wear seven-inch heels? I’ve never seen an Amazon
    woman before. How’s the air up there?”

    • “I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw you flip your hair at me. I saw ‘Charlie’s
      Angels.’ I know what you’re up to.”

    • “You want me to buy you a drink? No, sorry, I think that’s a bit forward. How
      about you buy me a drink, and show me a progressive woman.” (Delivered
      with a smirk)

    • “Excuse me, but I hope you don’t drive your car like you drive that shopping
      cart. You must have expensive insurance.”

You flirt everywhere you can, and you have some bust-her-balls comments ready to
sling her way.

Flirting Methods ..................................................................................................................................

The best flirt tool I can possibly suggest is to learn how to read palms. Palm reading is
an excellent method of touching her (you’ve got to hold her hand to read it), as well as engaging
her romantic thought process. Here are other flirting methods:

Tarot, Astrology, handwriting, I-ching: Use all the fortune telling methods out there.
Women love to try these, even when they say they don’t believe in them. They want to believe
in them. Women believe in destiny and fate.
Dog/Baby/Props: Anything that can give a woman an excuse to talk to you is worth
having on you when you go out. Babies are good, but beware that they don’t think it’s yours.

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