Leading with NLP

(coco) #1

106 Leading with NLP

What actions do they suggest?

Outside mentors are not your only resources. Take a
few moments to list all the resources you have. Group
them into these areas:

There are many people who can help without being
elevated to mentor level – friends, work colleagues, family
and acquaintances. Some people will be helpful in certain
situations, while mentors are helpful in any situation.

Role Models
Who do you know who has gone through the same sort of
challenges as you?
What did they do?
How did they think?

You can take these people as models for ways of thinking
as well as action.

Physical Environment
There are many possibilities here – where you live, all
your possessions, books, magazines, tapes, computers and
computer software as well as the resources of your neigh-
bourhood can all help you. In fact your whole environment
can be a resource.

Skills and Personal Qualities
You can group these into three types:

Self-skills– your personal qualities, those qualities you like
about yourself and those qualities others like about you.
Also, think about some qualities that other people have
criticized. How could these be an advantage? For
example, if people say you are over-critical, then you
have a fine eye for detail. Stubborn – you don’t quit
easily. Any quality that is a disadvantage in one situation

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