Leading with NLP

(coco) #1
Starting the Journey 7

and the Buddha? What of the humanitarian leaders like
Mother Teresa and Albert Schweitzer, popular charis-
matic figures like Princess Diana, or film stars, music stars
or top figures in the world of fashion?
Leaders form a very varied group, all strong charac-
ters who arouse passions both for and against. Yet they
all have something in common that defines them as
leaders – they have influence. They move people.


Leadership starts with a vision, a tantalizing glimpse of a pos-
sible future. A vision sounds very grand, but it has just two
simple qualities: it inspires you to act, and involves and in-
spires others to act as well.
We all have our individual visions; leadership is about tak-
ing those and developing them into something greater, more
fulfilling and more influential. We all try to shape the future
by striving to make our dreams real. The question is, what
dreams are you making real right now and are they really
worthwhile? If you are not making your dreams real, why not?
Think of the future like a dark cave – Aladdin’s cave. You
wait, poised on the threshold. The cave goes back into the
darkness, swallowing the shadows cast by the pool of light at
the entrance. The atmosphere is full of possibilities; you
hear stealthy sounds. You know both treasures and dangers
exist here, but neither what nor where they are. Some ob-
jects in the cave are within easy reach and many people are
content to stay at the entrance, happy with what they can
take from the ante-room. But to find greater treasure you
need to trust yourself to walk further into the cave.
There is no light switch here, only your ideas can provide
the light to see further. You are the leader here. Perhaps
there are others clustered by the entrance waiting to hear
what you find, or create.

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