Leading with NLP

(coco) #1

8 Leading with NLP

Aladdin’s cave

Your ideas burn brightly for an instant, like a flare, and
just for a second you and the others glimpse the riches
around you and some of the guardians that you will have to
overcome later. The flare dies and you rub your eyes, but the
image persists in your mind, the impression stays with you.
You know what you want and you know the direction in
which it lies.
The initial flaring light has died down and become a
torch, not so bright, but light enough to navigate by. People
join you from the doorway and together you make your way
into the depths of the cave. They light their own torches
from yours as they go. Soon you have much more light, you
can see further. No wonder more people are attracted to
your band – you have plenty of light and you know where
you are going. You make more detailed maps, the cave be-
comes more familiar. And still you have that first bright
image in your mind that you can rekindle when the journey

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