Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

  1. Jackson and Schuler. “Human Resource Planning:
    Challenges for Industrial/Organizational Psychologist”;
    Johnston, William B., and Arnold H. Packer. “Work and
    Workers in the Year 2000,” in Workforce 2000: Work
    and Workers for the Twenty-first Century. Indianapolis:
    Hudson Institute, 1987, pp. 75–103; American
    Association of Retired Persons. The Aging Work Force:
    Managing an Aging Work Force. Washington, DC:
    Author, 1990; Machan, Dyan. “Cultivating the Gray,”
    Forbes (September 14, 1989), pp. 127–28; Morrison,
    Peter A. “Applied Demography: Its Growing Scope and
    Future Direction,” The Futurist 24, no. 2 (1990): 9–15;
    Bureau of National Affairs. “ADA: Americans with
    Disabilities Act of 1990,” Labor Relations Reporter 134,
    no. 11 (suppl) (1990): 5–12.

  2. Schweiger, David A., and Yaakov Weber. “Strategies for
    Managing Human Resources During Mergers and
    Acquisitions: An Empirical Investigation,” Human
    Resource Planning 12, no. 2 (1989): 69–86.

  3. Craft. “Human Resource Planning and Strategy”; Baird,
    Lloyd, and Ilan Meshoulam. “Managing Two Fits of
    Strategic Human Resource Management,” Academy of
    Management Review 13, no. 1 (1988): 116–28.

  4. Baird and Meshoulam. “Managing Two Fits of Strategic
    Human Resource Management.”

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