Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

Operations Research and Management
Science Techniques

Techniques such as linear programming, integer programming,
and network optimization techniques are generally considered
as operations research or management science techniques.
Such techniques can be used to determine optimal personnel
flows through organizations. These flows can be managed
through specification of time-in-grade requirements for
promotions, rates of turnover, and the like. Managed flows can
produce desired stocks of personnel in various positions or
ranks at points in the future. A further extension of linear
programming, called goal programming, allows human resource
planners to take into consideration sequential and multiple
managerial goals or constraints, such as maximum head
counts, budgetary limitations, and so on. Goal programming
has been used in human resource planning models that also
can factor in equal employment opportunity considerations.^82

The use of such planning techniques runs counter to the
trend toward more reliance on less sophisticated approaches.
However, such techniques are still very important in that they
affect the service capability and profitability of major
corporations and governmental organizations. Human resource
planning systems based on these techniques require
mathematical sophistication and complex computer programs.

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