Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix 3.03 Survey of The Neurosciences

and Music III Conference 2008

Disorders and Plasticity

Title, Category


Mus. Material, Cultural Ref.

Technology & Procedure

Main focus of interest



. Cohen et al.




cultural research in the

acquisition of singing Cat. 5: Song
Cat. 7: Culture 13S

. Hutchins & Campbell

Time to reach target frequency in singing
Cat. 1: PItch Cat

. 5: Song
. Loui & Schlaug

Investigating musical disorders with DTI
Cat. 11: Disorder

. Mesz & Eguia


-frequency model for
pitch of vibrato tones
Cat. 1: Pitch
Cat. 3: Complex tones

To propose a test battery of singing s


and a protocol

for obtaining audiovisual information reflecting aspects of the ability to sing
To describe a new technique for estimating the time to reach a target frequency in singing (TRTF)
To investigate the connectivity of the

Arcuate Fasci


(AF) using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
To study vibrato as the manifestation of a non-stationary tone that can evoke a single overall pitch, by means of time


representations (TFR)

, which

provide accurate representations of rapidly changing sounds

Task material:
11 components, including singing back intervals and scales, familiar and unfamiliar songs, improvisation and free composition

. CR: Western

Task material:
Participants sing back the pitch of the final tone in a short melod


CR: Western
No musical material



CR: Neutral

Two researchers administ

ered the battery to 12


age 3, 5 and 7, and

8 adults

. Sessions were

An adaptive windowing time


qency estimation m


performed using MATLAB software
Acquiring anatomical images using Structural MRI with DTI.
Participants: 12 subjects, 6 tone-

deaf and 6 controls
Four subjects, varying degree of musical training, ages 25

38 years.

Task: to match the

pitch of

the modulated tone

and an unmodulated sinusiod

To develop a digital library for storing audiovisual data of singing : Children’s Inter

national Media Exchange for Singing (CHIMES)


To examine the way singers correct an inaccurate ini


pitch, and the

ir trajectory

through pitch space
Tractography to reconstruct white

-matter tracts, especially
the Arcuate Fasciculus (AF) connecting Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas in the frontal and temporal lobes
Some results suggest that the perceived pitch could be
governed by some stability

sensitive mechanism

Data analysis

in progress

For analyzing sung vocal production, this method has advantages compared with onset latency (OL) measures
Musically tone



individuals, who show impairments in pitch dis

crimination, have
reduced connectivity in the AF compared to musically normal

-functioning control

A recently proposed time

frequency representation (TFR) could be the simplest framework to explain this hypothetical stability


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